Our staple fibres for concrete KALCIFIL was used by the construction of the longest Czech railway tunnel. The construction of the 4.15 km long Ejpovice tunnel started in 2013 and will be completed in 2018.
Our partner, METROSTAV, a.s., Division 5, Czech Republic, has selected our multifilament polypropylene (PP) fibre for concrete KALCIFIL – S. The supplied strand fibres were used to increase the fire resistance and prevent the formation of surface cracks for the production of wire-reinforced concrete segments of the railway tunnel “EJPOVICE” within the framework of the project “MODERNIZATION OF RAILWAY TRACK ROKYCANY – PLZEŇ“, Czech Republic realized by using TBM (Tunnel Boring Machines) technology. We have supplied, installed and operated an autonomous dosing device for the purpose of fibre dosing within the operation of a fully automated concrete plant.
After successful completion of KALCIFIL fibres deliveries, METROSTAV issued the reference letter, which confirms satisfaction with quality of product and reliability of deliveries, which we can use as reference for similar projects in the future. If you are considering using KALCIFIL in your project, we will be happy to provide this certificate.