During more than 20 years, testing and certification became an indispensable element in our scope of activities.

VUCHV testing division consists of accredited testing laboratories (physical, analytical and textile, SL-FAT) in accordance with STN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, Reg. no. 012 / S-020 and accredited certification body certifying products (COCV) according to ISO / IEC 17065, Reg. no. 012 / P-006.


Accreditation was granted to us by the Slovak National Accreditation Service (www.snas.sk) and is regularly updated.
The high qualification, experience and authority of our staff in testing division is indicated also by fact, that the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing granted us:

For download:

pdf-icon   Confirmation of authorised person SKTC_118

Testing laboratories (SL-FAT)

Testing of fiber materials is carried out in our institute since its establishment. In 1993, accreditation by SNAS was granted to our physical, analytical and textile testing laboratories. VUCHV was the first subject in the era of independent Slovakia, which were granted with this kind of accreditation.

Accredited testing laboratories are objective, impartial and independent. Our staff ensures the confidentiality of information and is ready to meet customer requirements in the shortest possible terms.

SL-FAT activity is focused on the following areas:

  • fibers, yarns, fabrics, textile haberdashery products, textile products
  • textile toys
  • polymeric materials
  • selected components of the environment – waste water, aqueous extracts, sludge, soil, waste and so on
  • consulting on solving problems in the process of production of fibers, textile fabrics, polymeric materials and so on

Our laboratories:

  • laboratory of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
  • laboratory of UV-VIS spectroscopy
  • laboratory light microscopy
  • laboratory of eco-analysis
  • laboratory of gas chromatography (GC / MS)
  • laboratory of FT-IR Spectroscopy
  • laboratory of thermal and thermogravimetric methods (DSC and TGA)
  • laboratory of flammability assessment
  • textile laboratory
  • coloristic laboratory

In our laboratories we test following characteristics:

  • health safety (hygienic-ecological properties)
  • strength, elongation, Young’s modulus of fibers
  • strength, ductility of fabrics and polymer films up to 5000 N
  • thermal and thermogravimetric properties
  • coloristic properties
  • flammability also for commodities destined for the automotive industry in terms of standards of individual carmakers
  • antistatic properties
  • light stability
  • morphology and macromorphologycal structure
  • microscopic tests (fiber cross-sections, longitudinal views of the fibers, the defect evaluation of the materials, etc.).
  • identification of unknown substances
  • determination of the technical characteristics of materials
  • rheological properties of polymers
  • other physical and mechanical properties

Price for the tests are set in our price list, which is available upon request (by phone or e-mail). We are ready to prepare specific offer, taking into account the needs of individual customer. For preparing of the price offer, please contact Ing. Elena Budzáková.

By general or specific questions please contact:

Ing. Elena Budzáková, Deputy Head of Testing and SL-FAT
Phone: +421 52 7842 164, +421908223110, e-mail: dslfat@vuchv.sk

Certification Body for certifying of products (COCV)

As part of its accredited activities COCV assess the compliance of the following commodities:

  • products of textile, clothing, haberdashery industry, textile fibers and yarns
  • textile toys

with the standards requested by national and European legislation, the technical requirements of the client and with the technical requirements of the contracting authority. Within its scope, Authorized person SKTC-118 / Notified Body 1634 on textile toys is assessing compliance with the criteria set out in the EP and Council Directive 2009/48 / EC in regards to the law of Slovak republic 78/2012 Z.z. as amended.

Professional employees of COCV carry out technical assessment of textile products claimed under Law on consumer protection 250/2007 Z.z. as amended.

The price for issuance of a certificates are set in our price list, which is available upon request (by phone or e-mail). We are ready to prepare specific offer, taking into account the needs of individual customer.